meet our new cold brew
Supporting Female Farmers
Our newest product, Organic Cold Brew Coffee, directly reflects our commitment to female entrepreneurship, responsible sourcing, and giving back to the communities who support our brand. While we always source coffee from organic farms with whom we have a direct-trade relationship, with this new product we’re going further: sourcing in part from female-operated cooperatives and giving a % of sales back to initiatives that help these coffee growing communities thrive.

By choosing our Organic Cold Brew, you're helping us foster a conscious consumer culture.
1% of sales supports female farmers
Certified Organic

Why support female operated coffee farms?
Though the global coffee growing workforce is more than 70% female, farm ownership, leadership and decision-making power is still largely dominated by men. This inequity means women growers don't often reap the fruits of their hard work, despite deep expertise and operational experience in their industry.

Women coffee growers are often also the primary childcare providers and household managers for their families, in addition to farming their land and running their businesses, which equals long days and more hurdles between them and economic success.
Given the dominance of male-owned and operated farms, the supply of organic coffee beans from female-operated farms is limited. We are working with our suppliers to help change this, by supporting female farming communities, listening to their needs, and helping them gain access to educational opportunities and business resources. Over time, we hope to gradually increase the amount of beans we source from female farmers, as more organic beans from female-run farms become available.
We’re also proud that this product line is packaged in a PET bottle made from at least 50% post-consumer recycled plastic. We are committed to reducing packaging waste and our company’s environmental footprint, and aim to make this an even stronger thread in the fabric of our brand over time.